The cannabis farmer or patient-cultivator faces many challenges throughout the lifecycle of the plant.  Some of these challenges include control of insect and mold infestations.  Powdery mildew can be one of the most common and frustrating issues in cannabis cultivation.  Powdery mildew is a type of fungus that infects plants.  There are several species of powdery mildew that infect different types of plants, these all belong to the order of Fungi known as Erysiphales.  Infected plants display white powdery spots on stems and leaves.

This growing season, with its unusual weather patterns, was especially tough with extensive proliferation of powdery mildew in some regions.  There are many commercially available treatments to stave off the spread of powdery mildew, once present, as well as products designed to be preventative throughout the lifecycle of the plant.

When seeking a treatment for the control of a powdery mildew infestation the
patient-cultivator should strongly consider the implications of what they are
applying to cannabis that will eventually be consumed by humans.  As noted above there are many commercially available treatments for powdery mildew.
There are organic, OMRI listed options and those that contain more dangerous chemicals that may have health implications for humans.

It is important to understand what it is you are applying and to follow the proper guidelines for use.  Read the instructions carefully for:

•             Protective clothing requirements

•             Period for re-entry after application (how long before you can return to the area of application)

•             Intended growth phase of use.  Can it be used on fruits and vegetables or only during early growth stages?  Is it only intended for use on ornamental plants?

•             Proper storage and disposal

These stipulations are important to follow and adhere to.  They are established for the safety of both the farmer and the consumer.  If the product you are buying does not have all of the information you need, look up the active ingredients online and read the MSDS, material safety data sheet, for each active ingredient.  These are
often easy to find on the manufacturers website.  The MSDS will have all of the important information noted in the list above and more.

With a difficult growing season underway many farmers are turning to stronger and more dangerous chemicals to control powdery mildew, such as myclobutanil.  Without discretion for the labeling precluding use during the later stages of growth, desperate garden managers turn to desperate measures to avoid expensive losses.  The prevalence of this fungicide in cannabis is concerning.  Patient-cultivators are
encouraged to seek out OMRI listed organic products for use in the control of
crop infestations.   By engaging in thoughtful pest control cannabis cultivators can make an important contribution to the health, well-being and sustainability of the medical cannabis community.

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2 Responses to Important Considerations in the Control of Powdery Mildew Infestations in Cannabis

  1. mjjohn says:

    all the more reason to always grow your own if possible. growing indoors is 1 way to gain control over your environment . it can be expensive but with the proper equipment and the knowledge of how to use it , medical grade marijuana can be grown consistently. if 1 is going to make money off of providing medical marijuana to patients, then he or she should invest that money into the proper envirement to grow medical grade marijuana consistently.

  2. I am concerned because within the last year of using medical cannabis for various reasons, I cough each time I smoke even the most expensive sativa, hybrid and indica. I simply cannot smoke a roll. I use a pipe to ingest or edibles. I enjoy smoking, it is a sedative but has become an irritant instead. we are restricted to only a few cannabis clubs in Sacramento, and I’m concerned that the cannabis could be mold infested, or have a chemical triggering these unpleasant symptoms, that could lead to damage of my lungs, I need suggestion on how to investigate this personally.

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