Pure Analytics will be providing a free patient seminar, “Introduction to Cannabinoids,” at El Camino Wellness Center in Sacramento on Saturday March 26 at 11 a.m.  The seminar is open to all members of ECWCC.  If you are not a member already, come a few minutes early and sign up. 

     It’s an interactive seminar where we’ll talk about THC, CBD and CBN plus a few other cannabinoids.  What they are, how they interact with our bodies and how patients can use potency information as a tool in selecting their medicinal cannabis. 

     We hope to see you there!

“Introduction to Cannabinoids” Free Pateint Seminar on Saturday March 26 at 11 a.m.  Located at El Camino Welleness Center, 2511 Connie Dr, Sacramento CA. 

The Pure Analytics Team

Keep It Pure!


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